Ünite ayrımı olmaksızın, Tüm 7. Sınıf Soruları arasından Rastgele seçilen sorulardan oluşan testi hemen altta bulabilirsin.
Unutma! Testi, her tekrar başlattığında, Soru Havuzumuzdan yepyeni sorular seni bekliyor olacak.


7.Sınıf İngilizce Tüm Konular Testi

1 / 10

Coffee ShopPost OfficeMusic StoreGrocery
Aykut xxx
Görkem xxx
Beyza xxx
Selin xxx

Where was Görkem?

2 / 10

We should _______ to protect the environment.

3 / 10

Which slogan IS NOT correct?

4 / 10

Sam   : ……………………………………………?
Judy  : In July, 2007

5 / 10

1-seea-a painkiller
2-reportb-the exhibition
3-buyc-the burglary

Choose the correct answer.

6 / 10

A  : I want to see ancient statues.
B  : You should go to _________.

7 / 10

My Graduation Celebration
*at school garden
*at 17.30
*28th June

There is NO information about _____.

8 / 10

_____1_____ : birthday party
_____2_____: 22nd January
_____3_____: Blue Cafe

Look at the table and choose the correct answer.

9 / 10

*I don’t have __1__ friends.
*There are __2__ people.
*Do you have __3__ money?

Complete the sentences with the correct words.

10 / 10

Your score is
