
7.Sınıf İngilizce 4.Ünite Test-1

1 / 10

Which one is correct?

2 / 10

Name           : Camel
Habitat        : Desert
Kind             : Mammal
Live about  : 40 years

Which one is correct?

3 / 10

Name           : Camel
Habitat        : Desert
Kind             : Mammal
Live about  : 40 years

Where does camel live?

4 / 10

* It is a reptile. It is very long. It can be poisonous.

Choose the correct animal.

5 / 10

*It is an herbivorous animal. It is a big mammal.

Choose the correct animal.

6 / 10




Which one can be the best title?

7 / 10

A  : What should we do to protect wildlife?
B  : _______________________.

Which one CAN’T be the answer of the question?

8 / 10

A  : ________________?
B  : It’s a mammal

9 / 10

*It is a reptile. It has got a big mouth and sharp teeth.

Choose the correct animal.

10 / 10




*They eat meat and hunt animals.

Which one can be the best title?

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