
8.Sınıf İngilizce 9.Ünite Test-1

Aziz Sancar won the Nobel Prize in 2015. He is famous for his works in the _____ of chemistry.

Choose the correct word according to the picture?

Choose the correct word according to the picture?

Choose the correct word according to the picture?

Nicola Tesla made many _______ to science with his works.

1-recognized by many peoplea-repair
2-fixing somethingb-laws
3-general rules that always happenc-well known

Match the words with the correct meanings.

1)conductA) a biological sample
2)fixB) a printing machine
3)examineC) an experiment

Match the words to make a phrase.

Choose the correct word according to the picture?

Choose the correct word according to the picture?

Aslı          : __________________________?
Beyza      : For me it is telephone.
Ahmet    : I think it is computer.
Furkan  : In my opinion it is television.

Complete the dialogue with the correct question?

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