
7.Sınıf İngilizce 2.Ünite Test-2

1 / 10

Leyla x

Look at the table. Which of the following is wrong?

2 / 10

Leyla x

Look at the table. Which of the following is correct?

3 / 10


Which of the following can be the best title?

4 / 10


Which of the following can be the best title?

5 / 10

A  : Do you like archery?
B  : Yes, I do.
A  : ___________________?
B  : A bow and an arrow.

6 / 10

Liverpool 3-1 Chelsea

Look at the scoreboard. Which one is correct?

7 / 10

Ahmet doesn’t like playing football. He ______ plays football.

8 / 10

My father wakes up ___ 07:15.

9 / 10

FB 2-2 GS

Look at the scoreboard. Which one is correct?

10 / 10

Ali         : I love reading books.
Tuğba  : …….. do you read a book?
Ali         : Twice a day.
Tuğba  : That’s great.

Your score is
